Specialty Services

Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal

15 minutes    $40 

30 minutes   $55

45 minutes   $70

1 hour             $85


Electrolysis is the ultimate in permanent hair removal, similar to laser hair removal but more beneficial. Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal to be proven permanent. Call for an appointment for results that last a lifetime.

Waxing & Hair Removal

Lip/Nose       $15

Brow              $25

Full face       $60

Underarm   $30


Call for more wax pricing information.

Waxing services cannot be performed on any clients using Retin A, Renova, professional strength Glycolic Acid, or Accutane. Please let your Esthetician know if you are on any type of medication. Waxing skin while on medication may cause a severe reaction and /or damage to your skin.

Eye Lash Extensions

Offering permanent eyelash extensions that are applied individually by hand with safe medical glue. You will be able to retain all normal activities, makeup application, showering, & swimming with your eyelash extensions. Lash extensions adhere to the growth cycle & shedding of your natural lashes. Maintenance touch ups are done to keep your eyelashes looking full & their best. We use only the best eyelash extensions & supplies in the process. Choose your length & lash type or ask us what we recommend for your eye shape. We also offer Party Lashes (Strip Lashes) for special events. Please call for your appointment.


Make-Up Application

Our make-up artists are up to the minute on the latest looks! They will customize your make-up to fit your occasion whether it is a black tie gala or a night on the town. Specializing in bridal, wedding, and photography applications, come to Pizazz to experience the creativity and personalized care only professionally trained make-up artists can provide.

Cosmetic Tattoo

Microblading Treatment

Call for more information and pricing. Before and After photos are available upon request.

Combo Brows

Combo Brows are a combination of microblading and powder brows (shading). The microblading is hair-like strokes from the beginning to the middle of the brow, giving a natural look to the brow. Microblading is the perfect combination with the powder brow as the technic transitions to a powdered effect to the body and tail of the brow. The overall appearance is a fuller brow with enhanced density. The Combo Brow procedure takes approximately two to three hours to complete. A touch up appointment is required six to eight weeks after original appointment and an additional fee is required. 

Powder Brow Treatment

Powder Brows are normally reserved for mature clients who want a more dense look to their brows. The brows are fully filled in and will create a bold look on the face. The tail and bottom line of the brow is pronounced to give a full makeup look to the brows. Powder Brows will always be beautiful and are often an asset to people who wear makeup everyday. Bold powder brows are often reserved for people who want their brows to be pronounced on the face alone with a bold lip and mascara. Powder Brows are recommended for oily skin types or skin with large pores as the pixelated color will heal perfectly under these skin type conditions. Numbing cream is used throughout the powder brow procedure to assure a pain free experience. The powder brow procedure takes approximately two hours to complete.

Lip Blushing Semi-Permanent Treatment

Lip blushing is semi-permanent, tattooed makeup that tints your lips using a cosmetic tattoo gun (on a low setting) and water-based inks. The result similar to a lip filler. Your lips will look a little fuller by being defined and enhanced with pigment, however lip blushing will not change the shape or feeling of your lips. Instead, lip blushing will leave you with a soft, shaded-in color that can enhance your lip symmetry, cover uneven pigmentation or scars, and give the illusion of bigger, fuller lips. Lip blushing will lighten up to 50% to light natural tint. Numbing cream is used throughout the lip blushing procedure to assure a pain free experience. The lip brushing procedure takes approximately two hours to complete and will require a perfecting touchup appointment 4 to 6 weeks after original appointment. There is an additional fee required for the perfecting touchup appointment.

Call for more information and pricing. Before and After photos available upon request.



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